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You will be fully prepared to pass the National and State Examinations required to become a home inspector in any NY city including Albany, Buffalo, Poughkeepsie, New York City or Syracuse. The process of becoming a qualified home inspector is simple. ATI’s courses provide real-world experiences to fully prepare and qualify you for your home inspection career. In New York, home inspectors are licensed and regulated by the New York State Division of Licensing Services. All classroom courses are approved to be done remotely due to COVID-19.

Home Inspections are important and necessary for your own protection and future security. Essentially, they are visual (non-invasive) examinations of the physical structure and numerous systems in a Home or Building, followed by a comprehensive report. PHII's pre-license classroom coursehas been approved by the New York Department of State for the required 100 hours of classroom training and 40 hours of in-field training. You must take the 12-day class in Madison, South Dakota. We understand that NYSAR’s Surveillence Disclosure form should now be in common use in NYS home real estate transactions. NYSAHI highly recommends that you ask your client for a copy of that form at the same time you ask them for a copy of the Property Condition Disclosure.
New York Home Inspection Licensing
Please contact us about issues directly relating to the Home Inspector licensing law, as well as legislative issues in New York State affecting the home inspection trade. The report with recommendations has not been finalized. When the report is available to us, we will notify you so all the home inspectors in NY can provide input. There are no provisions for conflict-of-interest protections for separating testing/inspection from mitigation/abatement/repairs, as there is for home inspections, mold, and asbestos.
I can bet you that all of these books will sit on a shelf until the next millenium or when needed as a starter log in a fireplace. Learn more about how to become a home inspector, getting your home inspection certification, how to get home inspector jobs, and the average home inspector salary. Placement on a list of “preferred providers” constitutes a referral. There is no real difference between being recommended verbally or in writing, singly or as part of a small group, such as a short list of “preferred inspectors”. When placement on such a list is contingent upon payment of a fee, it represents a payment for referral.
Home Inspection Continuing Education Equivalency Education Credit Application
Others will not observe what is necessary, therefore, decreasing their ability to provide their Client with a thorough report. Keep in mind, a Home Inspection is by no means a Warranty or Insurance policy nor does it refer to construction codes. You should think of it as an informative guide and educational experience. The report may also be a useful document when attempting to renegotiate any unknown or undisclosed major findings.
Our course will teach you how to structure your home inspection fees. ICA students may upgrade to Spectora home inspection software as part of our exclusive partnership – or use Report Form Pro Nitro software, which is included in our home inspection training at no charge. You must complete a 100-hour webinar course and a 40-hour field course to receive your 140-hour certificate. A Legislative change effective April 3, 2020 allows Home Inspector applicants to pass either the New York State Home Inspector License Examination or the National Home Inspector Examination to qualify for licensure. COVID-19 guidelinesand all visitors are asked to abide by these guidelines.
Special Testing Arrangements Request (Chinese/中文)
The amount of time it takes to become a home inspector is up to you. When you receive training from ATI, you can start your career in home inspecting in as little as 2-3 weeks. Being certified doesn't automatically make you a reliable home inspector.
Like appraisals, mandating a home inspection report would essentially reduce it to filling out a form, similar to the HUD forms used for property condition / compliance inspections. Along with the variation in home inspection reporting formats comes variation in pricing. If reports were to be delivered in a standardized format, this would lead to "apples-to-apples" comparison shopping for consumers and ultimately end up driving down the market price of a home inspection.
Is your New York home inspection training course recognized by NAHI?
View instructor approval of Lon Henderson qualified to instruct Home Inspection Qualifying and Continuing Education. InterNACHI provides everything you need to be successful. BizVelop, a free business development tool for home inspectors. Members can order free real estate cards by visiting Inspector Outlet. When an agent logs into a course and enters the member's ID number, the member is automatically emailed. The first slide of the course is the member's contact information.

This marketed tool will only distract your Home Inspector from doing their job to engage the amazing natural senses of sight, touch and sound along with focus on cause and effect relationships in Building Science. As a gold-level AHI-accredited training provder, PHII can offer all New York home inspector graduates a free $289 membership in the North American Association of Home Inspectors , a national non-profit professional home inspector association. New York Home Inspection License RequirementsThe home inspection profession is regulated in New York.
PHII gives New York residents interactive training, experienced support, a lot of value and the most affordable tuition in the industry. Over the years we have successfully trained thousands of home inspectors throughout the U.S. and Canada, including many home inspectors in New York. We have been there to support our students from New York during and after the training. We have up-to-date New York home inspection course material, and we provide a turn-key system for setting up your own home inspection business in New York. PHII's New York home inspection course can be completed in 1-2 weeks based on your past level of experience. However, you can take as much time as needed, and there are no limits on re-taking exams.
We train students from all different backgrounds to be successful New York home inspectors. A contractor background can be helpful, but it is not necessary or mandatory to become a home inspector in New York. The total cost of tools comes out to a little under $200, including the non-invasive moisture meter, combustible gas detector, etc. In 2016, NAHI merged with ASHI, so NAHI no longer exists as a home inspection membership organization.
Grow Your Business with InterNACHI® InterNACHI® membership is so much more than training and certification. Members get access to world-class resources to grow their business to the next level. Remember that, while a certified radon tester may collect samples, anyone who analyzes and provides the results of those tests must hold New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program certification.
Submit evidence that you completed 80 hours of education through an approved course provider. Liability insurance and certification through a reputable home inspection training association is recommended. Clients and agents will want to see customer reviews and some type of training/certification. The Home Inspector Registration Board is the governing body and license renewal is needed annually.
If that caused a leak it certainly wasn’t your fault and he should be talking to his homeowner’s insurance carrier. The homeowner says the problem would not have occurred if you hadn’t done what you had done during the inspection and you can expect to hear from his lawyer. Radon testing in NYS is not currently a licensed activity, meaning anyone can do it. NYSAHI is an all-volunteer organization, we have no paid Board of Directors. The NYSAHI board is made up of your fellow home inspectors who are devoted to protecting and advancing the profession. Through conservative financial management, we are able to operate a highly effective state-wide organization, including retaining a lobbyist, with a bare-bones annual budget.

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